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Our reviews

(180 Reviews)
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February 12, 2024
Very good as a first time trial. Would definitely go back and recommend it to anyone.

February 09, 2024
We had fried rice, green beans with pork, and udon noodles with beef. Delicious. Long wait which might have been exacerbated because of Chinese New Year.

February 05, 2024
greatly enjoyed by all. will come again for sure! thank you!!

February 02, 2024
The food was delicious and plentiful. Will order or eat there again. The staff were super nice and helpful.

February 01, 2024
I'm not sure if Hong Mere was just having an off night, but the food we ordered was in NO way as good as previous visits. Our meat dishes: General Tao Chicken & Orange Beef were almost impossible to tell apart. Same red sauce on both. Beef was a bit rubbery. My favourite dish, Singapore Fried Noodles - usually bright yellow and savoury, was watery and lacklustre. It was still edible and we were hungry so did not return it, but I was quite disappointed because the food is usually amazing. What happened??

January 12, 2024
Love! everything was wonderful

December 08, 2023
Good food. Good service. Good people.

December 03, 2023
Le poulet du Général Tao était bon et les portions généreuses. Personnel courtois lors de la cueillette de ma commande. Toutefois, le temps de préparation de mon repas était assez long, soit environ 1h après avoir commandé. De plus, le restaurant pourrait offrir des assiettes composées de poulet du Général Tao avez riz et ou légumes, une option qui serait intéressante.

The General Tao chicken was good and it was served in large portions. The staff was courteous when I picked up my order at the restaurant. However, I found that preparation time was a bit long for my meal, as it took about an hour to be ready after ordering. On the other hand, the restaurant may consider to offer plates wich include General Tao chicken served along rice and/or vegetables. This could be an interesting option.

November 25, 2023
The food is exceptional. Was a fan prior to the renovations, but now eating in is an option.

November 24, 2023
Can you please lmk if you're open??? Your line has been busy for 3 days. I have a reservation for Saturday, Nov 25. I'm trying to confirm